Wednesday 1 June 2011

Naming of the barkcloths

Sad to say goodbye this weekend to two shady ladies in one of my favourite barkcloths. I called it Tiffany. Something to do with reminding me of the wonderful  glamour feel of Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Tiffany Vintage Cotton Barkcloth
When I looked through an old film book ...low and behold good old Audrey is sharing the most important meal of the day with just such a red rose.

There's probably enough left for one more shade in the shop if you've fallen under her spell....the cloth that is not Audrey.
Not all the names I give my treasured fabrics make so much sense I can assure you. But I do have fun trying.

The squiggles and lines of Celia put me in mind of the AMAZING  textile designer Celia Birtwell.

Bookcover of Celia Birtwell by Dominic Lutyens

Florence is rather like something from the Magic Roundabout. 

And Malayan is named after the Himilayan Blue poppy. Right up there on my "have to see before i pop my clogs" list. The barkcloth version is gorgeous and my photos don't do it justice. Unused and still crisp off the roll too. A very lucky find.
Himalayan Wild Flowers from RedRockTrek

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